Hugely beneficial. My comparative happiness scores speak volumes.
Since 2008, I have exclusively focused my research and writing on positive psychology through independent study projects at Edith Cowan University and went on to complete a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Melbourne.
Positive psychology’s themes of happiness and self-actualisation initially captured my imagination because I was battling on and off with depression and despair. Once I immersed myself in positive psychology and applied its theories and interventions, my life gradually transformed for the better.
I now have significant expertise in individual and group coaching and creating and presenting programs based on wellbeing science/positive psychology. Since 2011, I have run workshops and courses to help others improve their wellbeing. I have coached individuals from diverse backgrounds, some of whom suffered from depression, were in crisis, or simply wanted to live their best possible lives. I have created and delivered presentations for corporate clients and community groups on a variety of wellbeing related subjects.
All my work is founded on the theories, empirical findings, and latest investigations in positive psychology. I love research and have completed projects on post-traumatic growth, happiness, improving optimism, positive interventions for cancer patients, and goal setting during uncertainty. I also conducted a high level literature review of positive psychotherapies.
I’m passionate about my work, and very lucky to have the support of my amazing daughter Selina. You can find out more about me via the HHH Blog.
Since I can remember I have always cared for the well-being of the people around me. This led me into the career of Health, Safety and Environment, a field in which I can bring this strength to life and ensure workers are safe and adequately cared for.
Mental illness is now one of the most serious and wide-spread health threats in first world countries. This fact has led me to complete a Diploma in Positive Psychology with The Langley Institute.
On a personal level, I have applied positive psychology to manage my self-doubt, decrease ruminating, and improve my relationships. I’m also very passionate about physical wellness, including nutrition and exercise.
Having seen the power of positive psychology, I wish to share just how life changing it can be.